There’s the Greenpeace you might think you know (’70s beards, tree hugging and whaling harpoons). And there’s Greenpeace now: making Coca Cola sit up and listen about plastic waste in our oceans or meeting Sadiq Khan about air pollution. They’re an impressive organisation that takes on huge challenges to make big changes.
Greenpeace asked us to look at their words first of all. How can they tell more people what they’re about and what they do, without the shouty, ‘URGENT!’ ‘ACT NOW!’ hyperbole so many charities fall back on? And still get people to click on a link, sign a petition and donate money?

But the project soon turned into a big strategic one: helping Greenpeace narrow down the most important things to say about who they are and what they do. What’s the best way to sum it all up? What would it mean for their future campaigns? And how could we make sure they stand out when inboxes, timelines and news feeds are already bulging with NGOs saying that THEIR appeal is THE most important thing right now?

We showed them how to come across as a group of ordinary people (rather than ‘angry activists’), who do some extraordinary things. As with everything Greenpeace does, change is already happening: we’ve been training their teams and they’re putting our work into action (they’re good at that). Coming soon to a petition, a press quote, an investigation, an Instagram post, a press release, a members’ magazine and a banner near you.
+ Set out their brand strategy.
+ Worked on their tone of voice.
+ Put it all in a guide.
+ Trained their teams how to put it into practice.
+ The design: Greenpeace did that in-house.
+ Climb Nelson’s Column.