Brand positioning: where words go to die. Most brands do far too much naval-gazing and noodling with words, diagrams and PowerPoint presentations. But they’re all too hard to use, and too clunky to show to people outside the strategy meeting and guidelines.
We summed up Molton Brown’s brand in four words – ‘London via the World’ – a line that works in the boardroom and for people stocking up on Black Pepper Bodywash in John Lewis. The ‘London’ bit says Molton Brown is London born and bred, a big deal for people in Manhattan and Hong Kong. The ‘world’ bit is what makes Molton Brown’s products special – their ingredients are potent, expensive and from all over the globe.
We did their tone of voice for them too, and trained them to write without all the adjectives and floral notes of la-di-da (what their CEO called ‘woo-woo’).
+ Summed up the brand.
+ Came up with the tone of voice.
+ Showed them what to say about products.
+ Helped them with naming
+ Wrote their guidelines.
+ Trained teams and the in-house writer.
+ Used a lot of orange and bergamot hand cream.
+ The design. Fitch did that.